Testosterone. So many things I have been worried about with starting T. I have thought about this on and off for years. What I first found with my FB post that stated " Today I start a whole new journey! I have a few hours till I officially learn how to stab myself with testosterone! The excitement I had knowing I was going to the doctor today was ridiculous!" is that my friends all seemed to not only be INSANELY supportive and amazing, but also all were like "I know you've wanted this for so long so I'm happy for you!" Seems like I was the only one who didn't know. January 17, 2019. This is my T-aversary! I went to the doctor, talked about all the weird other things she had to legally tell me, picked up all my stuff, and was ready to shoot myself up! She started me on 50 mg/ml once a week subcutaneously . The shot was super easy for me. I was nervous but it really was nothing. I felt light headed about an hour after, like my brain was like "What...